Many wonder whether there’s a benefit to receiving the #HPV #vaccine past a certain age, like 45. Guidelines differ and have changed over time.
The “basic science” remains the same: vaccination will prevent new infections, no matter how old you are. But there have been reasons for an age limit that are important to understand. 1/8
This is a thread about photographer Shah Marai, democracy and women's rights in Afghanistan.
As the Taliban are trying to make everybody forget democracy and women's rights ever existed in Afghanistan, I will take every opportunity to remind everybody that democracy and women's rights in Afghanistan have a long history, and also share Shah Marai's photos. So it will be a long thread.
If you're short on time, after the next post you can hit the eject button before the slideshow begins, ok?
Husband of a smart, outspoken woman, father of two little girls. ❄️ Peace and quiet enthusiast. 💾 PHP/Node/Java/Go dev 🤗 He/him.🍹 Unfollowable.