@the_etrain aka Big Wee.
@emilygorcenski Der livin' on the Edge.
@zaufanatrzeciastrona Można kupić premium.
@ramsey In this bespoke uuid gold rush I'll be the one selling 256-sided dies.
@Ashley I've traveled by night to spread flower petals in front of my wife's - then girlfriend's - door, as a romantic gesture. When she opened the door in the morning it gave her a huge fright because she thought someone had deliberately spilled garbage in front of her door. Luckily she did appreciate it in the long run.
@civicwhitaker I don't think it's even that strategic. They're just minmaxing everything on the altar of price per share.
@sugar 17: plain old boring
@greegreehoist Of course I know how plants move. They move very slowly. Except the ones that catch bugs, those will take your arm off.
@Richard_Littler Why do you need to remove them?
@stefano In a business it might make sense to raise the resources until the problem is fixed. It might also be cheaper to run a larger server instead of getting devs to optimize it/fix it.
@lcamtuf I also want billionaires to always fail as a rule, because that's the real trickle down economics. Any time they succeed wealth gets more concentrated. Any time they fail and loose money, that money goes to people poorer than them.
@lcamtuf Because we've tried company towns before and they were horrible to people living in them. That's why their success would be a bad thing.
Husband of a smart, outspoken woman, father of two little girls. ❄️ Peace and quiet enthusiast. 💾 PHP/Node/Java/Go dev 🤗 He/him.🍹 Unfollowable. https://ninozaur.com