Wczoraj komunikat w sprawie opublikowała Prokuratura:
> W związku z treścią depeszy [PAPu] z dnia 11 czerwca 2024 roku oraz powielającymi ją publikacjami w przestrzeni medialnej z których wynika, iż „Prokuratura Regionalna w Krakowie prowadzi postępowanie przygotowawcze w sprawie zainstalowania *przez hakerów* oprogramowania wywołującego blokowanie pociągów Impuls” wskazuję, iż taka informacja nie została udzielona przez Rzecznika Prasowego tut. Prokuratury.
@greegreehoist I develop travel software, I deal with dates and times of day all the time, and let me tell you, there's no hope. You can't even trust a time period to start at midnight, last four hours and finish on 4am. I won't even go into names and addresses.
@greegreehoist They're not, sorry. https://www.timeanddate.com/time/time-zones-interesting.html
Kiedy badacze badają polityczne manipulacje, niezadowoleni politycy pozywają uniwersytet, uniwersytet ma dosyć i zamyka zespół światowej klasy badaczy.
99.97% of Venture Capital money goes to people that are not Black women.
0.03% of Venture Capital goes to Black women.
The US Supreme Court cited civil rights law when it said that it is racist to stop anyone from having access to VC based on their race, and that setting aside VC for people of a given race is racist.
So they ruled *against* a group of Black women looking to give their own money to Black founders. For violating the civil rights. Of white men that want that 0.03% too.🙂🙃
@Wolven I was asking honestly, but I appreciate you're probably more into this than me and have had this conversation before. Have a nice day :)
@lcamtuf How about "trust but measure outcomes"?
@Wolven What exactly should he apologize for? What harm has come to whom from him?
@Wolven It's still better that he changed his mind. May be more believable as an AI sceptic.
@lcamtuf I think anyone protesting against genocide is a friend of mine. Anyone asking for genocide is an enemy of mine. Do you really think those protests are pro-genocide?
@blair_fix I just don't see efficiency as a one way cause of increased consumption, I think they boost each other.
Husband of a smart, outspoken woman, father of two little girls. ❄️ Peace and quiet enthusiast. 💾 PHP/Node/Java/Go dev 🤗 He/him.🍹 Unfollowable. https://ninozaur.com