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"I've always felt like I don't fit," the young woman said.
"Fit where?" the witch said.
"In..." The young person gestured at their whole body. "Can you ..?"
"I can't make you fit what you have. I can make what you have fit you."
"It worked for me."
The young man smiled.
#MicroFiction #SmallStories #TootFic #TransVisibilityDay

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After the Supreme Court issued its Dobbs decision overruling Roe v Wade last year, each state was left to make and enforce its own abortion laws. Many red states had already put abortion “trigger” laws in place that would leap into effect the moment Roe was overturned, while many blue states rushed to pass additional protections to guarantee the right to abortion access.

Then there was Wisconsin, where a law essentially banning all elective abortion procedures has Democrats in the state fired up and ready to fight back. They get a big chance to do so next Tuesday.

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WHOA whoa whoa whoa hold on there bucko, you've changed it from illegal in Florida to illegal in Tennessee

If you tell me to fear your god, you worship a monster.

If you were considering, as you should, buying a paperback version of Cory Doctorow's and Rebecca Giblin's keep in mind that the font is very small and hard to read, so if your eyesight isn't 20/20 you may want to get an e-book instead.

You'd have to be crazy to be a crazy genius.

A difficult to predict issue that matches specified business rules and results in failure - is that a bug or a feature?

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The trolley problem: your imagination versus the even sadder reality. (Just got this from a friend who also collects trolley problem variants.)

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From: @pluralistic:

"To understand the future of Mastodon, we have to understand network effects...a product or service that gets more valuable as it attracts new users.

The people who stay...make it a busier, more exciting place...the next surge will find an even higher equilibrium as users who try Mastodon find more fully acclimated users who can hold their hands as they get settled in, and also provide the vibrant community that presents a good reason for doing so."

I think that all data that can be requested via various disclosure laws should have to be made available without requesting it, possibly via some kind of a public-run portal. That would make it cheaper for institutions to comply, and would make it much much easier to mine it.

Right now the best way to get rich quickly is to start a web seminar that teaches how to start your own get rich quickly schemes. And if you act NOW I'll teach you how to create just such web seminar!

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You're not stupid for using a framework, and nobody has pulled a fast one on you.

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So, Google gained 6% stock value when they fired 12000 people for no obvious reasons, and has now lost 7% after a mediocre AI demo, so I guess all the invisible hand of the free market does these days is make vague jerking-off motions.

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I Can't Believe It's Not Butter!
I'm Furious That It's Not Butter!
I'd Give You Anything If You Could Please Give Me Butter!
I'm Sad Because It's Not Butter!
I've Come to Terms with the Fact That It's Not Butter.

- The stages of margarine grief

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Pluralistic: Tiktok’s enshittification (21 Jan 2023) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow -

Here is how platforms die: first, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.