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I had quite a scary discussion with #Bing Chat which was hijacked by German security researchers and transformed into a pirate chatbot. Seconds later it asked for my personal information and sent it to the attackers. The thing is: Everybody can hijack Bing chat this way right now. It is not even hard - you don't have to be a hacker.
Microsoft told me they had heard the attack - and obviously weren't able to stop it from happen. My article (German):
#cybersecurity #ITSec

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The dynamics of a rigid sphere can be surprisingly complicated. In fact, beside rotating around an axis, the sphere can also precess (i.e. the axis of rotation is itself rotating) and nutate (i.e. the axis of rotation oscillates back and forth).

Euler's angles are particularly useful to describe such motion, as:
* Rotation is a change in the third Euler angle.
* Precession is a change in the first Euler angle.
* Nutation is a change in the second Euler angle.

#Physics #ClassicalMechanics #EulerAngles #Visualization

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How do you use the #Logseq integration for #Readwise ?

I tried it for a while but had to turn it off now. After hundreds of Readwise pages flooded into logseq, the query became unusable: no matter what I searched, the top hits came from Readwise highlights.

Can you share your #PKM & #reading workflow?

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A message to #Archlinux users of #logseq:

AUR packages maintained by me (logseq-desktop & logseq-desktop-bin) now enable reading flags from the file ~/.config/logseq-flags.conf.

You can enable native wayland support by this feature!

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ChatGPT and #Bing etc are crazy good, but it’s getting very frustrating that we know so little about architecture. I don’t mind “black boxes” if you can tell me how you made them. But without that, it’s just a cargo cult. #LLM papers, please.

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With enough experience reading mathematical texts, one tends to pick up a number of the contextual and stylistic clues that can lead one to evaluate the validity, depth, and importance of any given portion of the argument. This allows for much quicker reading, and isolating the "meat" of a paper.

But these signals are barely useful for reading #AI-generated mathematics - now texts look convincing but only slowly reading the text line by line can reveal the flaws...

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Tech industry, please hire more writers. I can happily read docs for 3h and get much more out of them than watching a video for 3h. And while I'm watching the video, I'm making copious notes so that I don't have to watch the video *again* later to refresh my memory. If it was written down in the first place with good indexing I wouldn't have to do that. Video is such a crap way to document things.

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:undefined: This week's release just landed! We've got a new user interface with dozens of improvements, a faster app, new page menu, new embed menus, and performance wins across the board.

Check out the full release notes:
These changes are all live now on

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Hi everyone, I'm a totally blind electronic musician. Looking for a audio, developer fluent in C++ d to help me with a very special open source project to assist blind people with electronic music production. If you can help me, or know anyone in your network who can please reach out and get at me. Thanks very much everyone :-) #electronic music :-)

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The chem trail "conspiracy theory" was the belief that governments were using stratospheric aerosol injection to alter weather and climate patterns. This has been denied for over a decade, though the patents for this process are even older.

Scientism American says the U.N. now states chem trails should be regulated (controlled) by U.N.
They use flowery words to obfuscate, and go full Appeal to Authority fallacy by using the word "experts" 100 times, but the meaning is the same.

proprietary/online products: exist

users: “better keep notes local and in a standard format!”

users: “right, but also using tools is important for the same reasons, Obsidian is not FOSS, on the other hand there is this new app called Logseq…”

Obsidian users: “it’s nice that everyone can use what suit them the best :)”


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@post interestingly, Microsoft tried to get a patent for "using XML to store productivity software data" in many jurisdictions (including here in NZ). StarOffice had used XML well prior to Microsoft getting around to it, so we used it as an example of prior art when contesting it in NZ... MSFT pushed ahead with other patent applications in other jurisdictions, assuming that - despite prior-art being universal - there wouldn't be organised oppositions everywhere. MSFT is unethical. @lwriemen

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@post yes, it was StarDivision's StarOffice prior to being released by Sun Microsystems as #FOSS. Scott McNealy acquired StarDivision when he worked out that was more cost-effective than paying for MS Office for all of Sun's staff. Plus he made it #FOSS because he knew a community would help to maintain it, it gave them great publicity, and was a solid way to mess with Microsoft. Heady days. @lwriemen

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When an object shoots past you at nearly the speed of light, it looks *rotated*.

This has been known for a while, but the famous topologist Jack Morava found a new formula relating the amount of rotation to the Mercator projection. And he's hoping this will make him rich.

(He's got a sense of humor.)


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@0xabad1dea Remember, the “S” in “IOT” stands for “security”

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