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@ch0ccyra1n @fediverse Perhaps it already exists in some way, but I would like it if for example public or official web pages could easily connect their RSS update functionality to the Fediverse, so that I can follow a web page of for example my municipality, and also comment and engage in the Fediverse in relationship to public institutions.

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Given the points above and the fact I backed for a long time but addressing these issues may require years and maybe the project won’t survive anyway that long, what should I do? Move to a simpler but better supported system like or wait and hope Logseq team figure out priorities?

Recent “AI” (sigh) native integration in Logseq (using OpenAI according to a GitHub branch of theirs, again zero communication by the team) lower my hopes a lot.

If they take money from people they should make clear what it will be used for.

CC @logseq @ednico

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“Culturally, there’s this issue in machine learning where working on data is seen as silly work and working on models is seen as real work.”-- @mmitchell_ai

Exactly! I have been emphasizing this point in several talks, referring to the broken incentive system in the #ML world!

#MachineLearning #AIhype

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How about not flying across the continent for a 2 hour meeting?

How about not sucking Petro and Auto dick?

But no! Blame it on us and remind us turn off our own lights.

Blow it out your ass.

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At optical frequencies, most media respond to an electromagnetic wave proportionally to the electric (magnetic) field applied, and are thus said to be "linear".
In such media a monochromatic wave can be slowed down, resulting in refraction, but its frequency is unchanged.
But for all real media, the reaction to an electromagnetic field is only approximately linear, and for high fields it is possible to see deviation from linearity.
One consequence of a nonlinear response, is that the medium can generate frequencies that were not present in the pump wave, the simplest case being the "second harmonic generation" where a wave of twice the frequency of the pump is produced.
But, due to the time reversal symmetry of Maxwell equations, if we can generate a wave at twice the frequency, we can also take that and convert it back to the original frequency.
So, in order to maximise the amount of second harmonic generated, one needs to make sure that the phase of the pump and the second harmonic do not drift while the waves are propagating through the crystal. If these "phase matching conditions" are not satisfied, the energy will flow back from the second harmonic to the pump.

#Physics #Optics #SciComm #SciViz #Visualization

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Not all VPNs are created equal.
This reminds me of that time when Italian police came to my home asking me to plant a backdoor in @noscript to help them in an operation, and I kindly explained that it being FOSS and under costant scrutiny of @mozilla add-ons editors and @torproject developers, such a thing would have been simply inconceivable.
They just thanked me for my time and went away.

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I've only recommended one VPN service, ever (and no, I don't have any financial relationship to them): Mullvad. They have always seemed to be one of the few entities that practices the mantra, "You don't have to protect what you don't collect."

This quite a press release:

"Mullvad VPN was subject to a search warrant. Customer data not compromised
20 April 2023 NEWS

On April 18 at least six police officers from the National Operations Department (NOA) of the Swedish Police visited the Mullvad VPN office in Gothenburg with a search warrant.
They intended to seize computers with customer data.

In line with our policies such customer data did not exist. We argued they had no reason to expect to find what they were looking for and any seizures would therefore be illegal under Swedish law. After demonstrating that this is indeed how our service works and them consulting the prosecutor they left without taking anything and without any customer information.

If they had taken something that would not have given them access to any customer information.

Mullvad has been operating our VPN service for over 14 years. This is the first time our offices have been visited with a search warrant."


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It is easy to give someone the illusion you just explained them something difficult, without actually providing them with anything that will help them really understand it. Actually, in doing so, one will usually create very bad misconceptions.

This is obviously bad, and nobody should do it, but since you will heralded as a great communicator if you do, the incentives are strong.

TL;DR: There isn't any topic too hard for you to understand, but you need to put in the hard work. There are no shortcuts.

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We’re part of an open letter asking the UK government to rethink the Online Safety Bill to protect end-to-end encryption and respect privacy.

Read the letter here:

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ChatGPT: brought to you by people who can't distinguish between "intelligence" and "speaking convincingly", that is, venture capitalists

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@EU_Commission Let's talk about the use of chemical and nerve agents by ukraine against the ruskies. At this point they would be fully justified to nuke you fucks.
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The access to massive data (aka surveillance) and compute made old "AI" techniques do new things. And showed that "AI" could profitably expand "what could be done" with the surveillance data already created by the targeted ad companies that dominated the industry.

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I have encountered more image descriptions on Mastodon in 24 hours than I have in Twitter in a couple of years. Seriously. I'm not exaggerating.
As a blind person, this means a lot to me. If you read this and you describe your images, thank you so, so, so much on behalf of all of us. If you don't, now you know you'll be helping random Internet strangers make sense of your posts by typing in a few more words than usual.

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At almost the exact same time they rolled out this update, Microsoft deleted the public support forums. The public uservoice/feedback/feature request thing. They appear to have just removed it completely from the support site and old links to it 404. What an interesting coincidence.

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I just this second drew the line in my head from "Microsoft is one of the companies who is convinced ChatGPT is a good thing and is telling its shareholders it's going to try to shove this brand of 'AI' into everything it can" and "Microsoft owns my phone keyboard, since they bought SwiftKey" and, uh… shit, maybe I should audition AnySoftKeyboard sooner rather than later

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"Contrary to what neoclassical economists claim, there are no neutral market forces that allocate income in proportion to productivity. Instead there are only ideas and the power to implement them. In other words, people have ideas about what their income should be (and also what other people’s income should be). And they have the power (or lack thereof) to make these ideas a reality. That’s it."

@blair_fix, How #InterestRates Redistribute Income

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