Evolution of Similarity-Biased Social Learning.

New preprint with Alejandro Perez Velilla. A long time in the making. Feedback welcome!

Interdisciplinary Workshop on Identity and Politics at IAST/Toulouse, May 15-16. Looking forward to this.


New draft of a modeling paper I really love, by me and Zack Dunivin. "Dynamics of covert signaling: Modeling the emergence and extinction of identity signals."

Methods! We got coupled differential equations, agent-based modeling, random forest classifiers.

For my (obligatory) lectures on consciousness in my Intro CogSci class, I assign Douglas Hofstadter's "Careenium" essay from 1982. No matter how many times I re-read it, I always find new stuff in there. What a delight.

Publication day! The modeling textbook I started five years ago is finally out today. I'm proud of it, and really grateful to everyone who helped make it better.

PUP: press.princeton.edu/books/pape

AMZN: amazon.com/dp/0691224145?tag=i

My book, Modeling Social Behavior, comes out in just 5 days in North America and the EU. Zounds! I think it's very good and you should get it, but you don't have to take my word for it -- the 1st chapter is free on the PUP website.
PUP: press.princeton.edu/books/pape
AMZN: amazon.com/dp/0691224145?tag=i

I kind of hate the standard Cognitive Science "hexagon." The disciplines feel totally false to the realities of actually understanding human cognition and behavior. When I teach intro to cogsci, here's the version I present, in case it's useful to anyone.

Diggin’ the way my book looks on the old modelin’ shelf.

As promised, here's the full album, out today. DAD SONGS is 13 indie/garage/art-rock songs about the milieu of fatherhood. Enjoy.

Minor life goal: solve NYT Saturday crossword in under 10 minutes. Closing in on it.

I'm an author on the research being profiled in this LA Times article, but few things have convinced me about the extent to which Twitter has become a toxic place as much as the responses to the tweet of the article by the @latimes. latimes.com/business/technolog

(link to tweet: twitter.com/latimes/status/165)

LA Times covering our research on hate speech on Twitter:
"One billionaire owner, twice the hate: Twitter hate speech surged with Musk, study says" latimes.com/business/technolog

New paper on auditing Elon's early impact on Twitter.
- Hateful users became more hateful
- Hate increased dramatically
- There was no overall change in bots

Paper (accepted to ICWSM 2023) is here:

I'm prepping a lecture on social learning strategies, and took the opportunity to revisit this scene that is irrevocably seared into my memory.

I'm really into learning Julia and Agents.jl (mastering these is my top summer goal), but I have really come around to loving NetLogo -- I wanted a stochastic block model with visualization, and made this from scratch in literally 5 minutes.

Here’s a new preprint w Zack Dunivin: Dynamics of covert signaling: Modeling the emergence and extinction of identity signals.

We use theoretical modeling to explore the dynamics of identity signals when their use is penalized by a hostile outgroup.

Depending on the benefits of coordination and expected costs of discovery by outgroups individuals, we should expect a wide range of dynamics for the emergence and persistence of identity signals.

Feedback much appreciated.


My last semester teaching my modeling course without a physical copy of my book. This is still probably my favorite figure, from Chapter 5: Opinion Dynamics.

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