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Seeking for bioindicator protozoans with the DIY microscope (#34806)

Preparando documentación para trabajar con el navegador de imagenes aéreas del programa Copernicus y monitorizar las áreas afectadas por incendios. Aquí los espectros RGB e infrarrojo del incendio en la y enlace a la herramienta. Imágenes del 10 de junio y el 23 de julio

What do Workers Experience? Reflections from a coffee-talk with a lifelong employee of the petrochemical industry. (#34803)

Public & Open Environmental Data: presentation for CEEJH Community Science Workshop (#34785)

From birdsite 

How do I access insitu data on both the Huber’s Frontier Project and the Talon-Rio Tinto Mine (Talon Mine) to make a predictive analysis of the geospation distribution of the negative effects of these two projects? (#34172)

Guía para el muestreo de subsuelo, el procesado de las muestras y su envío a laboratorio para la detección de metales pesados en el terreno.

From birdsite 

Looking for recommendations of how to obtain air quality samples around a fracked gas compressor station (#31273)

From birdsite 

Status ,Trends and Gap of Oceanography in the Gulf of Guinea a case study on the Coast of Cameroon (#31268)

From birdsite 

Project Fellow Highlighted in Media Clip; False Solutions Promised for Our State (#31847)

From birdsite 

Minnesota environmental review process—and exemption (#31271)

From birdsite 

Do you know of any examples of specific projects receiving legislative exemptions from environmental review? (#31270)

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