@finnegan Hey, the free-software tools for it are better than ever; #Blender is really kicking it. I can't wait to see what people come up mixing it with #StableDiffusion!
#Wikipedia is pretty worthwhile. If you can fix an error or improve an explanation on Wikipedia, even on relatively obscure pages, you're helping hundreds of people every day (just look at the page traffic statistics!)
@radehi The muscle memory is still there, the reflexes start to slow down.. :)
My career ultimately took me into management and that's when you lose the day to day 'hands on' that it takes to be good.
Now I'm an extremely competent layman. When I was at ILM, while I was a generalist, my focus definitely became composting, and while that was all proprietary software, it's basically Photoshop on steroids. So - I make a mean Christmas card, but the truth is every year - I _know_ what I want to do, but it takes me longer and longer to find the button.. haha
Just wanted to mention I saw your #introduction post and read what you said about Twitter - that is _exactly_ how I felt, and what I did.
I'm also keen to make my first Wikipedia contribution. I love Wikipedia - I support them through donation but would love to be an editor as well. Seems like a meaningful hobby.