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Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Health Conditions During and After
Pregnancy is On the Rise, But Disparities Still Exist

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Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Health Conditions During and After
Pregnancy is On the Rise, But Disparities Still Exist

Posted on April 18, 2024 by Dr. Monica M. Bertagnolli

Sad woman against wall

Pregnancy and childbirth are often thought of as joyful times. Yet, we
know that mental health conditions including perinatal
depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) are common complications during and after pregnancy, and this is
contributing to a maternal health crisis in this country.

Now, a trio of NIH-supported studies reported in the journal /Health
Affairs/ show that diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions
such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD during pregnancy and in the first
year after giving birth rose significantly in Americans with private
health insurance from 2008 to 2020. While these are encouraging signs of
increasing mental health awareness and service use, these studies also
showed that this increase hasn’t happened equally across all demographic
groups and states, making it clear there’s more work to do to ensure
that people from all walks of life have access to the care they need,
regardless of their race, ethnicity, geographic location, financial
status, or other factors.

Read more on the NIH Director's Blog


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