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美国心理学会期刊《心理学评论》发表了一篇论文,研究结论是过好一生(good life)并不意味着 1. 富足、舒适和活跃的社交,也并非 2. 寻找人生使命与实现价值,而是做到精神丰富(psychologically rich)。精神丰富的人生要有精彩的体验,在或新奇或曲折的经历中人的观念也会发生深刻的改变(interesting experiences in which novelty and/or complexity are accompanied by profound changes in perspective)。


把精神丰富纳入对美好生活的构想,挑战和困难也就有了意义。一帆风顺并非生活本义,山重水复疑无路也有它的价值。(Adding psychological richness to our conceptions of what a good life can look like, Westgate says, is important because it “makes room for challenge and difficulty. It’s not just about ‘everything going well and smoothly.’ Stretching and going through uncomfortable experiences, there is value in that.”)

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CW: COVID19 and thoughts on where we're headed with the virus 

It's deeply concerning to see signs that many countries around the world are moving from viewing the virus as a Pandemic to accepting it's Endemic. In other words, it's here for decades or longer. "Let it rip" has been a disastrous failure of government public health policy because "hybrid immunity" is a myth. It always was.

Our best hope of eradicating the virus in our lifetime is development of an omnivalent COVID vaccine. That said, it's more likely that permanent protection from COVID will instead be an option that's taken-up only by people who are well-off, educated, and not immune-compromised.

For those who still look at stats, roughly speaking, it seems like the Reff is hovering around 1.0 with fluctuations from approximately 0.8 to 1.2 depending on seasonal cycles and the yearly social/work/school calendar. I know a number of people who've caught COVID two or three times, and I'm certain that some of them are catching it again right now now due at xmas/NYE events and holiday travel.

For the foreseeable future, the majority of people will catch COVID once or twice a year. It's like how people think it's "normal" to catch a serious cold or the flu every year. It's because people aren't taking enough precautions with masks and isolation, and governments and business aren't working to set good standards for ventilation.

Getting sick with COVID carries about a 20% chance of it leading to chronic illness or some form of Long COVID. Catching COVID multiple times means you gamble and roll the dice every time to see if you get Long COVID.

In 2023, it's important that you keep-up:
- Wearing a mask when indoors in public.
- Working from home if possible.
- Doing a RAT if you have any symptoms.
- Caring about people with chronic illness.

#COVID #COVID19 #COVID19Aus #CovidIsNotOver #Pandemic #Endemic #COVIDEndemic #LetItRip #LongCOVID #HybridImmunity

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有很多相关的资料可以去了解真正动物园的理念,我也只是稍微集中看过一些东西而已,可能讲的也不完全对。有一部纪录片《方舟后裔》(The Heirs to the Ark),一篇非常有名的文章《如何展示一只牛蛙》(1968年),国内也有很多做动物和动物园相关科普的自媒体人,也有一些较为用心较为现代的动物园。然而整体环境在这里。总的来说我们普遍容易接收到的知识距离现代社会太远以至于空想出来的反驳实际上都脱离不出被限制的框架。并不是没有路的。我们对动物园这个概念的印象,可能已经落后了文明世界半个世纪以上。

最近也发现一个非常好的动物园,有自己的YouTube频道,动物们生活质量都很高,视频非常好看,随便贴一个收藏的链接吧 (不过在它评论区我也看到说动物园不该存在这种声音,但也承认这家动物园很好。只能说教育工作依旧任重道远。)

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Wie diese tollen Tierfotos entstehen, die man oft im Internet sieht.

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此处要特别鸣谢“正面硬刚”的室友,演示了什么是有分寸的据理力争。We have every right to fight for our legal rights.

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A nice visualization and explanation of some economically relevant math:

虽然我没有立场去judge…但真的忍不住需要吐槽两句 :blobfoxcry2:

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A crash course/review of doing statistics in Python instead of R.

I recently spent some time translating my knowledge for a lot of data processing and stats work from R back to Python as I'll be rotating in a Python lab this term. I made three references which I'm posting here in case they're helpful for anyone else:

#python #rstats #datascience #research #statistics #data #programming

@academicchatter @phdlife

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Finally my #introduction. I am #bioinformatician aspiring to do more #datascience, having my first experience in a Biotech startup.

I like to code, self-taught, ahd work mostly with #RStats, but have dabbled in #python and love the #linux command-line.

My background is in experimental (neuro)biology with a transition to #genomics and #transposon / small RNA biology later on. My CV is best captured in this plot done 100% with code.

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Would you like to learn from some of the best microscopists 🔬 the nuts & bolts of light #microscopy for #lifescience applications? If so, you should check out this free comprehensive #iBiology series with presentations by #RonVale @kurtthorn #NicoStuurman #StefanHell #DanielFletcher #JeffLichtman #EdwardSalmon #ShinyaInoue #RogerTsien & many more covering topics ranging from #imagingformation, #fluorescence, #superresolution & #lightsheet #microscopy to #Optogenetics 👉

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Genius concept 😍🤓 — a conference for all the tough topics in #DataScience and #ML we all struggle with but nobody talks about in public. 👉 #NormConf

Sampled talk titles:
➡️Five semesters of linear algebra and all I do is solve Python dependency problems (Tim Hopper)
➡️Data ethics: the non-sexy parts (Roy Keyes)

And maaany more!!! 👀 👇👇👇

见识到了这里的学生对“要分数”的理直气壮和阴阳怪气… (真想让这些人好好看看自己的原始成绩 :blobcatangery:

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Alyssa's leukemia went into remission by 1 month, and is clear 6 months later🤞. 9 more patients to follow. Much gratitude to Alyssa & her family, Waseem's team, Alexis Komor ( who led the development of CBE as a postdoc in our lab, & many others who paved this path.3/3

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