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A crash course/review of doing statistics in Python instead of R.

I recently spent some time translating my knowledge for a lot of data processing and stats work from R back to Python as I'll be rotating in a Python lab this term. I made three references which I'm posting here in case they're helpful for anyone else:

#python #rstats #datascience #research #statistics #data #programming

@academicchatter @phdlife

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Finally my #introduction. I am #bioinformatician aspiring to do more #datascience, having my first experience in a Biotech startup.

I like to code, self-taught, ahd work mostly with #RStats, but have dabbled in #python and love the #linux command-line.

My background is in experimental (neuro)biology with a transition to #genomics and #transposon / small RNA biology later on. My CV is best captured in this plot done 100% with code.

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Would you like to learn from some of the best microscopists 🔬 the nuts & bolts of light #microscopy for #lifescience applications? If so, you should check out this free comprehensive #iBiology series with presentations by #RonVale @kurtthorn #NicoStuurman #StefanHell #DanielFletcher #JeffLichtman #EdwardSalmon #ShinyaInoue #RogerTsien & many more covering topics ranging from #imagingformation, #fluorescence, #superresolution & #lightsheet #microscopy to #Optogenetics 👉

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Genius concept 😍🤓 — a conference for all the tough topics in #DataScience and #ML we all struggle with but nobody talks about in public. 👉 #NormConf

Sampled talk titles:
➡️Five semesters of linear algebra and all I do is solve Python dependency problems (Tim Hopper)
➡️Data ethics: the non-sexy parts (Roy Keyes)

And maaany more!!! 👀 👇👇👇

见识到了这里的学生对“要分数”的理直气壮和阴阳怪气… (真想让这些人好好看看自己的原始成绩 :blobcatangery:

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Alyssa's leukemia went into remission by 1 month, and is clear 6 months later🤞. 9 more patients to follow. Much gratitude to Alyssa & her family, Waseem's team, Alexis Komor ( who led the development of CBE as a postdoc in our lab, & many others who paved this path.3/3

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切身的活在你的 local community 之中,少說自己看了什麼,多聆聽、多說自己做了什麼,才會真的幫助到人。

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西班牙著名的街头艺术家Borondo的作品“Les Trois Ages (The Three Generations)”:

「如果上一代遮住这一代的嘴,这一代将蒙住下一代的眼。」 ​​​
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Science is a differential equation. Religion is a boundary condition.
Alan Turing

Interesting quote but I would disagree somewhat. Science is both a differential equation and a boundary condition. Religion is trying add a new boundary condition which make the differential equation unsolvable.

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Women scientists maybe you thought were men

Maud Menten (Michaelis–Menten equation)
Yvonne Barr (Epstein-Barr virus)
Marilyn Kozak (Kozak consensus sequence)
Tsuneko Okazaki (Okazaki fragments - with her husband Reiji)
Helen Quinn (Peccei–Quinn theory)
Phyllis Nicolson (Crank–Nicolson method)
Hilde Mangold (Spemann-Mangold organizer)
Laura P. Bautz (Bautz–Morgan classification )
Katharine B. Blodgett (Langmuir–Blodgett (LB) film)
Martha Chase (Hershey–Chase experiments)

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Understanding a little bit more about the #fediverse through data. Here is a plot of all #fediverse instances at as a function of their number of users and toots (statuses) and if they are open for new accounts. In general, instances are small in the number of users (median = 28). Interestingly, there are a lot of small, very active, and closed servers in the #fediverse. Also, some of the biggest servers are Japanese communities.

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Seriously though, fedi was *built* by furries, trans and queer folk, disabled neurodivergent people.

This is *the reason* the culture here is what it is. Why CWs are a thing. Why image descriptions are a thing. Why privacy matters here. Why moderation tools not only exist, but are usable — and used.

If you had joined and asked yourself "wow, how come this place is so chill and kinda… nice?" — that's thanks to all the nice people from communities some people call "weird".

So #KeepFediWeird.

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