Post #live360 conference goals... the first mobile app I wrote back in 2010 was a little puzzle game that I worked on with my kids to show them a bit of what was involved in software development but it aged out of the App Store with iOS 11 along with a few other small games I had done.
It might be interesting to make an updated version of that original puzzle game first in Objective C, then .NET MAUI and then a version in Blazor Hybrid with the web app support structure that was demonstrated during the conference for a more hands on comparison of those approaches. If I have any energy left at the end of that, it might be worth trying in Swift (as a contrast to Objective C) and UNO (as another way to view cross-platform development).
Seems a bit weird (writing the same app 3-5 different ways instead of 3-5 different apps) but feels like there might be some interesting lessons to be learned in the process.