@RickiTarr Rotten cabbage
Kim Chi. My father would make his own kim chi at home. It is pungent, strong, spicy. Nothing has quite the overwhelming sensation.
Although, I have to admit, my room mates did prove to me that it smelled like foul, rotting, flesh.
but, tastes great.
@rrb Oh it's one of my favorite foods lol
Smells really bad, doesn't it?
@rrb Oh yeah, it's pungent as heck lol
I was living in a big house with friends. Ate a bite of Kimchi in the kitchen. Went to talk to one of my room mates in a room on another floor in the other side of the house.
He started looking around his room like crazy. I asked why. He said he thought a mouse died and was rotting somewhere.
Kimchee is great. I love cucumber kimchee even more, can never pass it up when it's near.
@swordplay @rrb It's so good! I should make some, I have a bunch from the garden
If I knew someone who made it, I would ingratiate myself. 😀
Not that hard to make. My father would buy the spices in Hawaii. Clean and wash the cabbage. Seal in a pot with the spices. Let it rot for a few months. Be certain you seal it well and have the right spices.
Exactly! What a nice surprise.
Just if your spouse finds it, they will throw it out assuming something rotted in your house. Which is correct, just you are supposed to eat the rotten veggies.
@rrb @swordplay The salt ratio is important
I happen to be in Hawaii, so it's waaay easier to go to the korean deli that's about 1320 feet away 😉
Faster, definitely.
But, you are missing the whole DIY experience.
My father also made his own salsa and chile rellenos. You do not want to be in the house while chile rellenos are cooking. It is like teargas.
@rrb @swordplay I make Rellenos too, sooo good
I have had so many types of rellenos. Some with tomato sauce. Some that are cheese, meat and pepper mass. Or peppers fried in batter. I really no longer know what is the right recipe. Or if there is one.
@rrb @swordplay Me too! Stuffed peppers are just good
@rrb @RickiTarr @swordplay but have you had nopales rellanos? Stuff cactus is amazing
@neutrinos @rrb @swordplay Oh cactus is so good!
@neutrinos @RickiTarr @swordplay
I have had some grilled cactus, but not stuffed. What do you fill it with?
@rrb @RickiTarr @swordplay cheese! Just like a chili one. Dipped in batter & covered in sauce. Beautiful
@rrb Can’t say I’ve ever smelled foul, rotting flesh. But I do enjoy kimchi. @RickiTarr
@rrb Oh why?