More things that have helped my mental health:
Stop Comparing and Competing
Trying to stop Comparing and Competing is hard, because two things are true simultaneously:
You are a unique individual with a unique set of needs.
Humans mostly have the same desires and motivations.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that the version you see of most people is not always true to the person they are. A lot of the time, we are seeing the Social Media version of people's lives, the ups, but not the downs, the fun vacation, but not the every day drudgery. Most people deal with feelings of inferiority, depression, loneliness, and Imposter Syndrome. Even if none of this is true though, Comparing your situation to theirs is pointless and will not help you.
We all have that person we know, for whom everything is a Competition. If you had a bad childhood, they had a worse one, if your workplace is dysfunctional, there's is completely toxic. Everyone hates this. But the other side of the coin is that if you bring up something you struggle with, and then someone else does too, a good amount of the time they are simply trying to empathize, not Compete. Empathy is how we establish bonds and understanding with other people, it's a way to feel less lonely in the world. Lean into it, but know the difference.