RT @OpenAtMicrosoft@twitter.com
We’re putting our flippers together and celebrating 🐧#WorldPenguinDay🐧 with our friend Tux! Join us by sharing your favorite Linux and #opensource projects.
RT @inspirehep@twitter.com
Help us to keep your author profile in good shape, include an authors.xml file when you post to @arxiv@twitter.com. We have a form that makes this very easy for theorists:
RT @originalesushi@twitter.com
Dear @Ryanair@twitter.com… please tell your dev folks (who are obviously new to the concept called #infosec) that "making it hard to use" doesn't generally translate to "it's more secure". In fact, what you're doing will push ppl towards using shorter, insecure passwords due to convenience.
Autoritarismo do STF e da Lava Jato nasceu no ‘impeachment Tabajara’ de Dilma
Desde então, desrespeito à ordem constitucional virou padrão e, em muitos momentos, contou com o apoio popular.
RT @LorenaABarba@twitter.com
#NumFOCUS tools used in the creation of the breakthrough black-hole image: NumPy, SciPy, pandas, AstroPy, Jupyter, Matplotlib—I teach my students with all these tools except AstroPy #engineerscode @gwengineering@twitter.com
RT @PyData@twitter.com
The #Astropy Project is a community effort to develop a single core #Python package for common astronomical computing tasks and to provide a framework for interoperability between Python #astronomy packages.
#NumFOCUS Sponsored Project since 2014
RT @threatintel@twitter.com
Symantec found that 67% of hotel websites are leaking guests’ booking and personal details. This could let an attacker modify and cancel the booking. https://symc.ly/2P1g044
Paraense de Igarapé-Miri, físico e entusiasta GNU/Linux | Physicist and GNU/Linux enthusiast | Il segreto della vita è questa non è un'esercitazione CC BY-NC-SA