Facebook acquires OpenStreetMap partner Mapillary -
RT @peter
So Mapillary, the "Street View" part of OpenStreetMap (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mapillary), based on crowdsourcing people's photos for their "open data" project.... has been bought by Facebook (1/2)
RT @FotosDeFatos
Nos ajude a comprar um novo equipamento de trabalho: → http://vaka.me/1110402 🐮 #vakinha
RT @delta_chat
Russian developer and antifascist activist Viktor Filinkov has used his last word in court to explain the persecutor how #PGP encryption works.
Using email encryption does not make you a terrorist!
RT @RachelSherazade
Presidente @RodrigoMaia "mitando" sobre a saída de Abraham Weintraub https://twitter.com/mateusno/status/1273709507101831170
RT @OliverStuenkel
"What’s happening in Brazil is unique on a global level. Despite soaring numbers, officials never implemented measures largely successful elsewhere in the world. There has been no national lockdown. No national testing campaign. No agreed-upon plan." https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/the_americas/brazil-bolsonaro-coronavirus-cases-deaths-reopening-second-wave/2020/06/15/3282d27e-ae4b-11ea-856d-5054296735e5_story.html
Dark Matter Experiment Finds Unexplained Signal | Quanta Magazine
#physics #abstractions #dark_matter #experimental_physics #axions #particle_physics #neutrinos #xenon1t #abstractions_blog
Seeking Dark Matter, They Detected Another Mystery - The New York Times
RT @witten271
Brazil and Florida are doing this https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/08/world/americas/brazil-coronavirus-statistics.html
RT @davx5app
Seems like Android 11 will ruin DAVx5 again in even two ways: contacts/calendars permissions will be reset randomly after some time [https://developer.android.com/preview/privacy/permissions#auto-reset…] and WiFi restriction has to be approved by Google [https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/9799150…]
Android development keeps being fun 👍
Internet Archive Will End Its Program for Free E-Books - The New York Times
No auge do poder, Angela Merkel sai da crise ainda mais forte | VEJA
RT @BBCNews@newsbots.eu
**Poland 'invades' Czech Republic in 'misunderstanding'**
"Poland admits its troops briefly invaded the Czech Republic last month but it was "not deliberate"."
RT @DrBrianKeating
Dear @verified @Twitter: @Dr_JimGates is @FordFoundation Professor @brown_physics @BrownUniversity. He’s a National Medal of Science winner, member of @theNASEM, past president of @NSBPInc, 2021 @APSphysics President, and bestselling author. Can he get @verified? #VerifyJimGates
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