RT @hfalcke
Now Amazon is the next company to conquer the worlds Sky with the rest of the world just looking and doing nothing when some of their last big natural resource is taken away. https://twitter.com/joroulette/status/1288951949988167680
Google vai dar US$ 500 mil em bolsas de mestrado e doutorado para América Latina | SempreUPdate
New features in gnuplot 5.4 [http://LWN.net] - https://lwn.net/Articles/826456/
I would add that even Zoom is obsolete, you do not need to rely on centralized companies (and its dubious privacy policy), there is @jami_social (no server). With WebRTC, @jitsinews, @Nextclouders, (no server for the call, i.e., peer to peer calls) and fully encrypted.
RT @cillahope_
It's still beyond me how Skype managed to let Zoom just take over the game in a matter of weeks
RT @msoares_santos
It was most definitely not a matter of weeks. Skype became obsolete years ago. The last nail in its coffin was the day it was bought by Microsoft. https://twitter.com/cillahope_/status/1288195195046109185
7 Myths Apple Is Using to Justify Their 30% Tax on Apps – Telegraph
RT @pnussen
Prezados amigos e amigas, Muito importante mobilizarmos as pessoas para votar *SIM* na consulta pública sobre o PLC 135/2020, que propõe o descontigenciamento do FNDCT e sua transformação em um Fundo financeiro cumulativo,
RT @hackernews@die-partei.social
Homeland Security Was Destined to Become a Secret Police Force - https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/the-dhs-was-destined-to-become-a-secret-police-force
US push for global alliance against China hampered by years of 'America first' | US foreign policy | The Guardian - https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jul/24/us-china-mike-pompeo-america-first
Build your own open source alternative to Google Suite with Nextcloud | http://Opensource.com - https://opensource.com/article/20/7/nextcloud
RT @arXiv_BR
Divulgando a excelente lista de seminários virtuais organizada pela @UFPA_Oficial : http://www.ppgf.ufpa.br/index.php/noticias2/86-seminarios.html Há vários pesos-pesados na lista, incluindo Unruh (*daquele* efeito, amanhã); @LuizDavidovich, Bardeen (*aquele* das leis da mecânica de buracos negros); e Weinberg 😎
RT @marceloknobel
O valor de um currículo acadêmico @Estadao: https://opiniao.estadao.com.br/noticias/espaco-aberto,o-valor-de-um-curriculo-academico,70003367707?utm_source=estadao:twitter&utm_medium=link
Paraense de Igarapé-Miri, físico e entusiasta GNU/Linux | Physicist and GNU/Linux enthusiast | Il segreto della vita è questa non è un'esercitazione CC BY-NC-SA