Our Favorite Ad Blockers and Browser Extensions for Privacy | Reviews by Wirecutter - https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/our-favorite-ad-blockers-and-browser-extensions-to-protect-privacy/amp/
RT @letsencrypt
Donate $50 or more to Let's Encrypt before July 31 to help secure the Web and bolster your own authentication with a Security Key NFC by @Yubico on us! https://letsencrypt.org/donate/
RT @mattl
Use @firefox before we’re all doomed please https://twitter.com/wsj/status/1282846037741363203
RT @AndrewYNg
I'm grateful for Dr. Fauci's tireless work to disseminate good science about the pandemic.
When we see a scientist unfairly attacked, we need to speak up. It is by doing so that we defend not just the scientist, but also the scientific process.
RT @RogRosenfeld
É assim que o governo quer melhorar sua imagem com relação ao Meio Ambiente e a Amazônia? Lamentável... https://g1.globo.com/politica/noticia/2020/07/13/apos-recorde-de-alerta-de-desmatamentos-na-amazonia-governo-exonera-coordenadora-do-inpe.ghtml
RT @oatila
Já saiu um estudo da estrutura 3D de um anticorpo neutralizando a proteína chave do coronavírus. Ou seja, já sabemos qual o melhor alvo pra vacinas. Isso é a ciência avançando absurdamente rápido na construção de uma vacina que funcione :)
RT @APSphysics
After many setbacks, the Brazilian inventor and aviator Alberto Santos-Dumont successfully flew his hydrogen-filled airship around the Eiffel Tower on this day in 1901 https://go.aps.org/3feqiKn #PhysicsHistory
Well, I do still prefer cronjobs, seems simpler than the timers from systemd :s
RT @opensourceway
Timers provide finer-grained control of events than cronjobs. https://red.ht/3iOb7Ka
The Most Powerful Gamma Ray Burst Just Corroborated General Relativity Once Again - https://www.sciencealert.com/the-most-powerful-gamma-ray-burst-has-once-again-corroborated-general-relativity/amp
RT @torproject
Open source technology is critical to internet freedom because it allows anyone to inspect the code, understand it, and discover any bugs or backdoors. For the community that OTF supports, the open source approach builds (1/2)
Albert Einstein the mediocre: Why the h-index is a bogus measure of academic impact - https://phys.org/news/2020-07-albert-einstein-mediocre-h-index-bogus.amp
RT @nolan
I'm starting to get into PC gaming. Haven't actually played any games yet, but I have spent hours configuring my monitor and graphics card. Is this what PC gaming is like?
Esse pessoal tinha que ter tido prisão em flagrante e ter passado a noite no xilindró. Neste caso, se o desembargador não ensinou educação em casa, que aprenda a respeitar de outra maneira.
RT @pamellasynthia
Repaginada do “sabe com quem você está falando?”. https://twitter.com/jornaloglobo/status/1280901846156980224
RT @pcrock
#firefoxsend is awesome, but it kills me that I have to send download URLs to people in emails. If an email server is compromised, the bad guys still get my files if they follow the link before my recipient does.
What about having a service that (1/2)
Paraense de Igarapé-Miri, físico e entusiasta GNU/Linux | Physicist and GNU/Linux enthusiast | Il segreto della vita è questa non è un'esercitazione CC BY-NC-SA