One of the most underrated #Python modules?
We know it's used for teaching & not in the "real-world"
But it's usually used only for basic drawings & simple animations for kids–a very limited scope
_We can teach more advanced topics, too…_
Here are some examples…
# 1. Data structures: lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets
Here's an animation that uses all four of these structures:
_[Practise Using Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, and Sets in Python With the Chaotic Balls Animation](
# 2. Named Tuples
And a bit further down the line, here's an example of a `turtle` animation of a sunrise that introduces Named Tuples:
_[Sunrise: A Python Turtle Animation using Named Tuples](
# 3. Demonstrating real-world processes
Maybe we want to use it model real-world processes in a quick-and-simple way.
Here is a demonstration of "simulating" bouncing balls
There's the single ball version:
_[The Real World in Python: Coding A Bouncing Ball](
and the many balls one which deals with **object-oriented programming**:
_[Bouncing Balls Using Object-Oriented Programming in Python](
And, one of my favourites, a simulations of planets orbiting one or more stars. The `turtle` version is in 2D:
_[Simulating Orbiting Planets in a Solar System Using Python](
_There's also a 3D version which uses Matplotlib instead of turtle, but that's off-topic here so I'll post another time_
Here are some more ideas from projects I've written up recently
I have loads and loads more which I'll try to write up and publish in the coming months
#animations #python #turtle #coding #programming #LearnToCode #LearnPython
@jimlawless yes, but I think the classic examples of drawing triangles and squares and so on are _very_ limited in scope and can get boring and childish very quickly.
The module can be used for a lot more than that…