# Functions in Python—easy or hard to learn & master?
This week I'll be looking at aspects of functions which can be tricky for those who know basics and want to move to next level. If you've learnt about functions in Python are keen to take the next step, then hopefully this series of toots will help…
Let's start with the unexciting but important—terms
• _define_
• _call_
• _parameter_
• _argument_
Here's the code we'll use as an example which you can also get from the ALT text of the image in this toot:
`def greet_person(person):`
`print(f"Hello {person}! How are you doing today?")`
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#Python #functions #coding #programming #LearnToCode #LearnPython
@folkerschamel redefining `print()` could be one way. Redefining `__add__()` another, there are probably more…
def print👍