As it's time for my morning coffee (the coffee not the biscuits), it's as good a time as any to share my one of my favourite #programming analogies
_(narrated from a #Python-viewpoint but general enough for #coding in general)_
**The Coffee Machine - Function analogy**
Let's make some coffee…
_[read on]_
I'm going to tweet about one of my projects every day until I run out, using the #projects hashtag
I encourage others to do the same. Let's talk about (and boost) our projects together!
sqlite-utils is a combined Python library and CLI tool for creating and manipulating SQLite databases:
It can do a lot of different things! I have a series of blog posts talking about the most interesting features here:
@peterdrake and yes, the article linked later has the full code etc…
@peterdrake I have been doing this (on Twitter) for a few months now, but this is an old post (from Twitter, recycled here) so the images didn’t have them. I now autogenerate these snippets which makes adding the code in ALT text easy
#Python is for serious stuff, sure, but one of the most fun modules is the `turtle` module, but…
I know, I can hear you say: "That's just for drawing simple, boring drawings, right"
Think again! Here's a great learning project that is not merely a "boring set of squares!"
You can follow the detailed step-by-step tutorial here [WARNING: game is addictive and may adversely affect your productivity!]
You'll find me easily on Twitter too if you're on there as well. That's a bigger account and get's a lot of interesting conversations going with others in the #Python world
You can see the sort of things I'm interested it there (until this timeline fills up a bit):
So, this thread could serve as my my #introduction
I'm Stephen. I used to be a physicist (as you can guess from the thread above) but now I focus on communicating about Python and programming and teaching coding
You can expect more varied content from me, all related to #programming in #Python, from science-y stuff like this, to fun animations using the `turtle` module (no not those boring ones!) and general Python for those learning to code at beginner and intermediate levels
There's a lot more than can fit in a single thread.
If you want to read more detail, and go through the step-by-step writing of the code to decompose & recostruct *any* image, read full article here:
#coding #2dfourierimages #2dfouriertransform #fourier
And therefore, you can reconstruct the image by adding all of those sinusoidal gratings together.
The more gratings you add, the closer the result is to the actual image
Now, here's the "magical" part of #Fourier theory.
*Any* image is made up of lots of sinusoidal gratings. So, the 2D Fourier Transform of an image gives you thousands of pairs of dots, and each pair represent a sinusoidal grating.
Now, if you have lots of gratings superimposed on each other, the #FourierTransform gives you a pair of dots for each of the components
You can find the parameters of a sinusoidal grating by using the 2D #FourierTransform.
The dots shown contain the amplitude and phase of the grating. Their position from the centre gives the frequency, and their orientation represents the orientation of the grating.
You can create a 2D sinusoidal grating in #Python using #NumPy and display it using #matplotlib
There's one more parameter that defines a sinusoidal grating: the phase. Gratings with a different phase are shifted with respect to each other…
• Rethinking how to teach programming – I prefer the friendly, relaxed approach when communicating about Python programming
• I write about Python on The Python Coding Book blog and on Real Python
• Former Physicist
• Expect posts on scientific and numerical programming –> NumPy, Matplotlib and friends!