Hmm. #qoto has been compiling my archive for at least a couple of hours now. Do I just give up on that?
First challenge: downloading my archive. There's a lot of it: 12502 toots, 1.58GB media storage.
I was automatically forwarding my tweets before I left the birdsite the day Elon bought it.
Doesn't really offer an alternative approach, but it's an interesting analysis.
Opinion: Want to convince a conspiracy theory believer they’re wrong? Don’t start with the truth
Today I shall attempt to ride 100km (62 miles) on this. Wish me luck!
When I heard that there was going to be a book about software engineering and data science by Catherine Nelson, I was excited! I think it's a perfect combination, and as data scientists we can learn so much from software engineers about how to build reliable and good products.
I really enjoyed the 'Monk and Robot' duology by Becky Chambers ('A Psalm for the Wild Built' and 'A Prayer for the Crown-Shy') and am looking for more solarpunk book or book series recommendations.
#books #bookRecommendations #solarpunk #monkAndRobot #aPsalmForTheWildBuilt
@ai6yr not entirely relevant in this case, since he was hiking, but the realest SAR advice I read was, “Stay with the car. We always find the car. We don’t always find the person.”
I have moved to If you found on a website, please let me know at my new account.