Samaritan's Purse has existing since 1981, and is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization that provides spiritual and physical aid to folks in need around the world. With programs like Operation Christmas Child and World Relief and Development
Grace TV. Zachytáva aktuálne udalosti v letno-charizmatických zboroch Slovenska a Ceskej republiky ocami krestanov.2015 Miesenie, posudky, novinky, hudba - evanjelium - Cítanie Biblie
Christian prayer of hope O Lord, in Whom is our hope, remove far from us, we pray Thee, empty hopes and presumptuous confidence. Make our hearts so right with Thy most holy and loving heart
Christians are clearly the most persecuted religious group and are enduring what amounts to genocide in some parts of the world, several reports are concluding. 8 out of 10 people who are killed for their faith are christians
kršcanskih TV - Hvaljena Jezus in Marija. Vabljeni k ogledu duhovnih kršcanskih TV oddaj Pot-i, v katerih smo se na vašo željo pogovarjali s škofi, duhovniki, redovniki, redovnicami, laiki, posneli pridige, pesmi, rožni venec in druge molitve, predstavili nadškofije, škofije, redove, svetnike
Christian Charities in the US is a very diverse group of national and international charities working together to relieve suffering and despair
The Holy Bible in Arabic
Jauchzet Gott, alle Lande! Psalm 66,1
KTOMag propose à ses lecteurs la grille détaillée des programmes de KTO, présente les choix et les points forts de la quinzaine et vous fait entrer dans les coulisses de la chaîne
All well-researched studies released this year show that Christianity remains the most persecuted religion in the world
We are helping people against poverty globally. 46 projects with 30 partners in 14 countries, and 40,000 children and families shown the love of Christ
Millions are leaving Islam to find hope and eternal life in Jesus Christ, here are their stories
From Islam To Christ | More And More Ex-Muslims Are Converting To Christianity In Algeria
Cristianos de habla hispana en vivo, La Mejor Programación. Musica, Prédica, Sermones, Programas Infantiles y tv
Persecution of Christians is higher than of any other religion
Christian hiphop. DJ Intangibles Top 10 Holy HipHop
The Salvation Army's International Development team work faithfully with some of the poorest communities accross the world, with tools they can use to restore the economic, social, ecological and spiritual relationships
Witness a transformation
World Concern is a Christian global relief and development agency extending opportunity and hope to people facing extreme poverty
Why is it that Christians, as a new Pew report documents, is the most persecuted religious group in the world?
Persécuté - Les chrétiens sont les plus persécutés. 4 personnes sur 5 persécutées en raison de leur religion sont des chrétiens
Help the Helpless id aiming to improving the lives of the most vulnerable people on our planet, such as those abandoned, handicapped, deaf, and poor children in the most vulnerable countries, in the name of Jesus
The Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC) knows that running a charity is complicated. There are always new issues to consider in terms of government regulation, human resources, fundraising, governance, best practices, and other aspects of operating a charity