As cities are falling to a Taliban resurgence in Afghanistan, the future of that country’s Christian population grows more uncertain. The US troop withdrawal has increased a climate of insecurity
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The list includes great gospel rap songs as "Don't Waste your Life," "Crazy Love," and "I'm Me." Gospel music has been around a long time and has taken a new form in gospel rap music
When a person chooses to leave Islam and convert to Christianity, he/she must be ready to deal with criticism, threads, and even violence and attempted homocides from their former co-believers
Yet many muslims still risk it all to follow the truth and follow Jesus
When a Muslim Converts to Christianity. In the most radical Muslim families, a convert is locked in a room and given three days to return to Islam. If they refuse, they are slaughtered
The Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC) knows that running a charity is complicated. There are always new issues to consider in terms of government regulation, human resources, fundraising, governance, best practices, and other aspects of operating a charity