Jobwechsel? McGyver gesucht! Unsere Feldbeobachtungen und das Bodenlabor brauchen Dich. Du baust und tüftelst gern, findest Lösungen, interessierst Dich für Umweltforschung und denkst gern mit? Die Ökohydrologie an der Uni Jena sucht Dich. Oder vielleicht jemand in Deinem Freundeskreis? Gern weitersagen! Hier gibt es mehr Informationen:

war gasses 

The dude’s rock way to identify dangerous chemical agents

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This week I reviewed a 60-page project asking for 1 research assistant for 2 years.

Today, someone I never met asked me for a recommendation letter. The univ she's applying for a professorship requires 9 referees.

Bureaucrats are making an extraordinary effort to kill science.

@mariobarbatti This gives hope! The whole world should massively support Brazil financially in return for keeping the forest untouched, or for re-forestation. Moreover if the clearings cannot be halted at once, a clever scheme that would allow the forest to recover naturally could be implemented, like these chess board patterns for example.

Der von G. Pezzin vor 40 Jahren verfasste Comic »Die elektronische Revolution« sagt die Entwicklung des Computer-Zeitalters mitsamt seiner Vor- und Nachteile mit frappierender Genauigkeit voraus: Dagobert vervielfacht dank elektronischer Datenverwaltung, Automatisierung und Vernetzung seine Gewinne, die Entenhausener arbeiten, kommunizieren, kaufen und lernen vom PC aus, aber auch die Panzerknacker erkennen die Chancen der Digitalisierung!



Possibly the most annoying UI trend of the last few years is websites changing from

[username] - [ password ] -> Login


[username] -> Next -> [ password ] -> Login

If you’re outraged about Adobe sending your pictures off their servers (you should be), please know other vendors do this too. That horse has already bolted.

Eg Microsoft Edge automatically sends your key presses in Edge to MS - enabled by default

Microsoft Office 365 sends every photo and screenshot you add in Word, PowerPoint etc (including in emails) to Microsoft 365 Intelligent Services without prompt


We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher with experience in organic (supramolecular) chemistry. You will be exploring new materials for molecular spintronics!
Come and join us at the
To apply:
#openposition #chemtwitter


Some time ago, we argued the new Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework 🛡️ is not sufficient. And nothing has changed! If your organisation takes compliance serious, it keeps its data under local jurisdiction – and out of foreign clouds.


We are also looking for a postdoctoral with experience in synthesis of nano belts, macrocyclic or other PAHs: deadline: 31st of December 2022



[Award Account]
Aromatic hydrocarbons | Strained structures | #MolecularTopology
Account by Dr. Yasutomo Segawa (Institute for Molecular Science) is available as Open Access
#AromaticHydrocarbon #Topology


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