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Turns out qutebrowser now has real adblocking alongside a hosts file. Finally I can leave behind brave make my dwm setup full mouse-less

Finally wrote some proper documentation for my to-be discord replacement
now to figure how tf to make a proper app for this thing because im getting really impatient using discord so much

oh and it doesn't use any javascript! yay

>aws provides a shell in the browser
as much as i dislike using amazon products i have to admit, thats pretty cool

ToDo lists? No thank you I'll stick to my ToDo Graphs.
It's pretty easy to prioritize issues this way, whatever has the most dependencies gets done first.

Got to implement a Berger Table Generator today
Even though it was simple it felt really nice to think about a janky little algorithm instead of features or deadlines

Also never heard of this stuff before so I felt like a first CS student again lots o fun :^)


Disclaimer: is actually incredible especially for writing up simple web servers _really_ quickly

things breaking on rust nightly every other day has finally pushed me to straight up drop using rocket entirely
I'd rather just do things myself than be at the mercy of a massive library from now on
Hyper here I come!

Made the switch to Debian Sid from Buster and it went surprisingly smooth
I only had hiccup nouveau not detecting drivers and preventing booting but was apparently as simple as grabbing the `firmware-linux` package

rust language server reported 72 errors when i opened up an old project
felt good bringing that down to just 1 and a warning

Ran some tests querying data off a firebase instance from python with synchronous and asynchronous methods and wow.
I really want to refactor a lot of code for those massive query time gains but the code but I have in mind is already fraught with problems and missing features oh well maybe one day I'll get to it, for now it goes on the todo list

its incredible how many uses I've found for dmenu these days
> wifi connection script with multiple configs generated using dmenu
> script to setup projectors
> youtube-dl wrapper with dmenu as frontend for input

feels /comfy/ i cant lie

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