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For anyone wondering, I'm still unable to access Twitter until I delete this tweet, which is factual journalism that doesn't even break the location rule Twitter enacted a few days ago. The account isn't marked as suspended anymore, but I can't use it or see tweets from people I follow. Using Mastodon exclusively for now and actually really enjoying it.

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#Instancias enfocadas en #Hacking #InfoSec o las dos


Lista proporcionada por @ovelny y el toot original para ver actualizaciones aquí: #HackerCulture #HackerEthics #HappyHacking :crt_w_prompt:

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Report back from Twitter filter fuzzing.

What Twitter is blocking

Twitter is filtering links to known Mastodon instances, but still allows direct links to
Twitter also allows linking to shortened URLs of mastodon profiles, but only once. Posting the shortened URL a second time doesn't work, implying there's some backend queue service that's checking the Location header of links and flagging the ones redirecting to Mastodon instances.

How to evade the filters

Email address spam evasion techniques work. Replacing '.' with '.' or [.] or [dot] all work.
URI encoding the hostname. Replace at least one of the characters in the hostname with the URI encoded version (ex: -> https://infosec%2Eexchange). Browsers are smart enough to URI decode anything you copy/paste into the address bar.
data: URIs. Twitter does not seem to check base64 encoded data: URIs. It is possible to create a data:text/html;base64,... base64 encoded HTML URI which can be copied into the address bar and will render as HTML. While Twitter will not render data: URIs (for obvious reasons), you can still copy/paste them (at your own risk, of course).
Base64. This seems silly, but we could communicate freely on Twitter by simply Base64 encoding our tweets.

Twitter's anti-Mastodon filtering is clown shoes amateur hour.🤡​
#twitter #birbsite #censorship #filtering #evasion #elmo #muskrat

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#JohnMastodon is proof that things *CAN* go viral here on Mastodon, but the key is that *YOU* are the algorithm. The reason that the John Mastodon meme showed up on other people's timelines is because so many users boosted the posts.

The lesson here is: please don't just favourite something if you really enjoyed it; BOOST it so that other people can enjoy it, too! This is the only reason why I bother to create as large a social graph as I can on Mastodon—to act as an amplifier. You can, too!❤️😉

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Right now #Twitter is becoming the best Mastodon ad you can imagine. :birdsite:

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Earlier today Elon Musk said that my ban was temporary, 45 min later he denied my appeal to reinstate my account and confirmed that I am *permanently* banned. The email I just received says the decision cannot be reversed.
I have never once violated Twitters rules or terms of service. I’ve never had a single tweet flagged, my account was permanently banned with no warning and with no reason, after I reached out to Musk for comment.
#twittermigration #twitterexodus #twitter #tech #news #technews

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@jace @Winter_Pig @keithvd @thepoliticalcat

"The 1st Amendment doesn't shield you from criticism or consequences.

“If you’re yelled at, boycotted, have your show canceled, or get banned from an internet community, your free speech rights aren’t being violated.

It’s just that the people listening think you’re an asshole,

and they’re showing you the door.”

#xkcd #Comics

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Amable recordatorio de que uno de los fundamentos ideológicos que volvieron #Twitter la cloaca de la que terminamos arrancando fue algo que podríamos llamar el capitalismo de / la economía de la indignación.

Jaron Lanier explica bastante bien de qué se trata en su libro "Ten Arguments for Deleting your Social Media Accounts Right Now".

La premisa es simple: outrage sells. Hatred goes viral. La paz y la amabilidad en #Mastodon son formas de resistencia anti-capitalista.

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Disturbed by reports of Black Mastodon users—Black women in particular—having negative experiences on this app, including being randomly banned for discussions of racism. Some of these users will not come back. All will share their experiences. The answer is not to condescendingly lecture them on “how the fediverse works,” as if their experiences are inevitable, nor to swear to do better next time. (There may not be one.) It’s to do better now lest the reputation of this app be cemented.

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I wrote a blogpost on how to get on Mastodon for regular folks who might find all this a bit scary. In it I recommend they get an account here on
"A Twitter Off Ramp: A tutorial for getting on Mastodon"

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What's it with people reporting every single one they dont like.. :amaze:

Please, stop with that.

This is not #Twitter. Please use features like mute or block if you don't like people but stop reporting otherwise I'll start banning people who keep reporting for nothing :blobhammer:

I'm trying to keep things running with so many new people and it's such a waste of time to hear whatever you don't like

Otherwise go waste Elon's time, not mine

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We published #Fedilab 3.7.3 in beta.

You will now be able to display all messages in profiles for remote accounts (Mastodon accounts from another instance).

You just have to click on that new icon (magnifying glass).

If you interact with remote messages from the profile, it will work like for followed instances.

Guía de inicio de Mastodon: qué es, cómo funciona, cómo elegir instancia y cómo se utiliza la red social

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UPDATE: Mastodon accounts: 7,133,516 (estimate)

* 5,451 in the last hour
* 238,181 in the last day
* 548,368 in the last week

After a crazy jump all day today, it looks like sign-up are finally calming down to ~5,000/hour. Which is still a stunning amount of new users.

We (the Fediverse) need lots of funding to onboard these new users so donate to the admins of your instance as well as the Mastodon project.

NOTE: Will be actively blocking all concern trolls who reply.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.