A while ago I bought a bunch of temperature and humidity sensors and distributed them around this 120-year-old house.

The results have been quite surprising. Some of the data is obvious – like the home office being warm due to computers and a person in it – while other parts require further analysis – like why the front room is so much colder than the others.

#DataViz #HomeAssistant #IoT #MQTT #EnergyEfficiency


The sensors I bought are the SONOFF SNZB-02 temperature and humidity sensor, specifically from Local Bytes as they are UK-based, cheaper than Amazon and responsive to questions (they do great MQTT smart plugs as well).

Did I really need so many sensors? Probably not 😅


Everything is hooked up to a local Home Assistant server via Zigbee2MQTT, stored using InfluxDB, and visualised using Grafana.

This is all done via HA add-ons so relatively straightforward to setup.

The end result is an interactive dashboard where I can see summary statistics as well as charts showing each individual sensor over time.


@robhawkes have you done any testing and/or calibration of the Sonoff humidity sensors. The last time I played with this stuff they were so inconsistent to the point of uselessness. One would be at 40% while another at 65%.

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