I am 47 years old, and not an academic. I am a professional consultant engineer with delusions of academia. I have just decided to learn LaTeX. What the hell.
@dalealleshouse Looks good! I am old enough to remember Word Perfect - and at the time I preferred that over MS Word. The codes ... just ... made more *sense* than having to memorise MS Word's menus and limitations. I am seeing parallels between LaTeX and Word Perfect. Do you?
@soundwave I didn't have the pleasure of using Word Perfect :( I feel as if I've missed out...
The good news is that with LaTeX, I've been liberated from the MS office suite!
@soundwave I'm only a few years younger than you and I started using LaTeX about 2 years ago. I love it! It's awesome to be able to create attractive content using nothing but VIM. I use a combination of markdown and LaTeX for my blog (e.g. https://hideoushumpbackfreak.com/algorithms/math-asymptotic-analysis). I'll never go back!