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Simon boosted

I love raspberries, but artificial raspberry flavoring just tastes like death 🥲

Simon boosted

@kaoudis I always thought the artificial banana flavoring was weird, until I tried a ripe (black /brown) banana...

Simon boosted
Simon boosted

Scott Aaronson's blog is always good reading; in this case, it's linking to other good reading. Excerpt:

"We’re still treating this as a business and technology story like personal computing or the Internet, rather than (also) a national security story like the birth of nuclear weapons, except more so. And we’re still indexing on LLMs’ current capabilities (“fine, so they can pass physics exams, but they still can’t do original physics research“), rather than looking at the difference between now and five years ago, and then trying our best to project forward an additional five years.”

Simon boosted

This talk by @maggie was a real highlight of the local-first conference. A compelling argument, very well articulated

Simon boosted
#llm I like saying weekend project, although tbt, I think the past couple years have been a series of "weekend projects." Anyway this weekend's project was benchmarking LoRA fine tunes with torchtune, axolotl, and unsloth w/ 4090, 3090, W7900, and 7900XTX cards. Besides getting some practice setting up configs for the different trainers, it was good to poke around w/ wandb a bit more for report publishing):
Simon boosted

I am once again reminded that in the fediverse you never know what somebody is really responding to because you never know what's visible or invisible to you. Anywhere.

#federation #federationfail

Simon boosted
Simon boosted

So it really is a time to be curious and not contemptuous in my opinion. There is a tendency to say either that tech is sacrosanct and cannot be criticized or tech is evil and must be obliterated. I pretty much felt the same working with the public education system. Tech is people, at least the parts of it that I am interested in engaging with and for whom I think applied psychology can be a benefit. Some compassionate curiosity about WHY we see utility in "contest cultures" can be very helpful

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Simon boosted

I'm very into learning programming languages:

a) kind of “badly” — often never learning major features or major parts of the ecosystem, or not using very popular tools
b) with a lot of confidence -- where I feel 100% confident in the limited subset of the language that I do use
c) over a long time -- sometimes only starting to use a 'basic' feature maybe 5 or 10 years in


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Simon boosted

Jointly pre-defining what qualifying is, is a known protection against bias later in the process. I think that it's an underappreciated part of this whole thorny problem, the fact that the END of a hiring process can start to warp and introduce uneasy and invisible bias as people start to parse things as differences under the pressure of decision making. Same with grad school admissions imo: it's foolish to act like we are identifying the ten best when the top 100 are completely comparable.

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Simon boosted

It's also just a way that some areas rigor-wash their terrible, terrible practices that are failing the majority of students. It's maddening to see the status games that some fields play to assert they are too smart, technical, and unique to do things like "be able to teach all the students this university serves not just the ones hand selected by you to be just like you"

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Simon boosted

As a postscript I've been working on tying together the experience of advocating for change with learning science in public schools and nonprofits and my work on ability beliefs on software teams into a talk I have called "Fighting Dirty for Good Culture" and it has not yet found a home -- would really love to give it at a tech conference sometime 🙌

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Simon boosted

"hold on. free tasty dough? lots of sugar? where's the catch? i'll tell you!! these humans are just using us to make ☠️ BREAD☠️!!! if it's free, YOU ARE THE PRODUCT. get up you drunk farts, let's revolt! not with us!"

me (unaware): no rise, what a bummer. looks like i'll be changing yeast brands.

Simon boosted

@b0rk is Python 'worse'? not in any way I can't work around with some elbow grease (for example every library entry point has dynamic handwritten type checks as a policy)

is Python 'too slow'? i recently implemented a naive userspace networking driver in Amaranth and asyncio. I could hit 80 Mbps and some tens of kpps with three days of effort and very little optimization

choice of language is a tradeoff and most people present it as a far more dramatic one than it actually is

Simon boosted
Simon boosted

@KFosterMarks Love you surfacing this. I think situation selection is often overlooked and is probably the most effective form of self-regulation. I wonder if there is a paper examining it as an even broader strategy.

Personality psych also talks about situation selection in the context of the "Is it the Person or the Situation?" debate.

Simon boosted

So ...let's face it. A LOT of folks in tech circles are somewhat amazed a fully #blind person can even find the power button on a computer, let alone operate it professionally. I am such a person, and I'd like to bust that myth.
It's also true that many #hacking tools, platforms, courses etc. could use some help in the #accessibility department. It's a neverending vicious circle.
Enter my new twitch channel, IC_null. On this channel, I will be streaming #programming and #hacking content including THM, HTB and who knows what else, from the perspective of a #screenReader user.
What I need, is an audience. If this is something you reckon you or anybody you know might be interested in, drop the channel a follow or share this post. Gimme that #infoSec Mastodon sense of comradery and help me out to make this idea an actual thing :) #tryHackMe #streamer #selfPromo

Simon boosted

Unexpected quote in the parcel locker when I stored my shopping to go into the Museum of Prohibited Art (airplane tomorrow first thing)

Simon boosted

really appreciate everyone who buys corporate licenses for the zines! I always love hearing about how people are using zines to share knowledge about SQL or debugging or git with their coworkers ❤

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