First snow day of the year, so of course I can't find out if my train is late... That app is very stable otherwise! But it seems to have some kind of sympathy with the trains.
#sbb #switzerland #availability #timetable
Eating an incredible almond croissant that I had the foresight to buy for myself from a local bakery yesterday, and putting the FINAL copyedit touches on this bold, loud, wild paper that @anthrocypher and I are ABOUT. TO. SHARE. WITH. THE. WORLD. Stay tuned!!! 📝 🧠 🙌
Episode 128 of Oxide and Friends is up on the pod. @bcantrill got a bunch of us blogging 20 years ago with a presentation titled “Guerrilla Marketing”. I would love it if this episode inspired a few new blogs out there!
code / data wrangler in Switzerland.
Compulsive reply guy. Posts random photos once in a while.