I am grateful to Paul Middlebrooks (not here yet) for inviting me to talk about my book on Brain Inspired today! looking forward to the discussion
Awaiting for listening it!
Recent triplet pods specifically inspirational to me:
BI 150Dan NicholsonMachines, Organisms, Processes
BI 152Michael L. AndersonAfter Phrenology - Neural Reuse
BI 155Luiz PessoaThe Entangled Brain
ps: msg that #BrainInspired listeners await them to join the #neurodon fam!
@summerfieldlab February 15th. Exciting!
#NeuroAI #neuroscience #psychology #cognition
Since the time of Turing, computer scientists have dreamed of building artificial general intelligence (AGI) - a system that can think, learn and act as humans do. Over recent years, the remarkable pace of progress in machine learning research has reawakened discussions about AGI.
QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance All cultures welcome. Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.
Awaiting for listening it!
Recent triplet pods specifically inspirational to me:
BI 150
Dan Nicholson
Machines, Organisms, Processes
BI 152
Michael L. Anderson
After Phrenology - Neural Reuse
BI 155
Luiz Pessoa
The Entangled Brain
ps: msg that #BrainInspired listeners await them to join the #neurodon fam!