@atomicpoet That's my bad. I can take it, yet we're still not in the same page.
Agree to disagee?
@ona @atomicpoet I can support them in their cause, socially. But demanding things can put trans beings on a pedestal... I've to speak with my reason.
@atomicpoet Dude, there is a subcategory about Lia's swiming records in wikipedia. You can check that, and their referances.
Again, you can't compare disorders ans syndromes with being trans. I'm a cismale but if I were a transwoman, this will be the most insulting thing that i read to my being.
@atomicpoet I'm gonna start with last premise.
I've seen many news over the years trans women who are dominates sports like athletisim and mma, but the recent one is Lia Thomas. Her rank is about 120-ish, but when she entered women's rankings, she broke world records in women's swiming.
I'm aware that all women produce different amounts of testosterone, but, as far as my knowledge, gap between ciswomen is tolerable when we look up in sports side of the discussion.
Being a trans is not a disorder or syndrome like klinefelter, so first 2 point of yours seems strawman to me.
I don't have enough intel about ppl who don't know their chromosomes, but I'll be research in my free time.
@atomicpoet I've no argument with that, but what about sport contests? A woman grow in a man's body have unfair advantage over other women. Isn't that will be destroy women sports entirely?
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