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We are a trustworthy, nonprofit #News source, sharing the knowledge of academic experts on many topics.
Our team of editors identifies researchers studying topics that are timely, important or just plain interesting, and helps them write understandably for the public.
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Completely out of the blue, my 5yo wanted to ride his pedal bike all the way to preschool, about 1.5mi from our house, this morning. (Previously, he only rode his pedal bike around on a bball court.) I rode my bike along with him. A few hills, minor spills & bumps later, he rolled successfully into school & he was so proud of himself. Pure, terrifying, fatherly joy.
... as an economist who thinks a lot about pest population biology, the most fascinating aspect of the book is the emphasis on heterogeneous values towards different animals - and how to weigh those values in management
I've really been enjoying this book "Pests" by B. Brookshire (audio is also excellent). The author really takes some seemingly mundane (and not-so-mundane) animals and opens up some well-researched & philosophical inquiry into what exactly makes an animal a pest.
@ChemBob the absurdity of this solution is only matched by the absurdity of the manufactured crisis
Ok, just curious - how many folks bet #debtceiling is actually headed to trillion $ coin solution?
I'm loving me some #PerryMasonHBO, but what's with all the shows about divorced hapless hero lawyer west coast dads- goliath, lincoln lawyer, and now PM?
@rvawonk that's a great point that I'd never thought about. As a univ researcher, I have to do a pile of trainings to be eligible for public grant funds. Seems like a fair requirement that corporate beneficiaries have to do the same thing.
How do folks approach peer review of 'perspectives' submissions to academic journals? It's kind of weird to be asked to assess the validity of an author's perspective (beyond novelty & whether claimed facts are in fact supported by evidence) #econtwitter #science
Wow. Huge news! The government of Netherlands is going to stop paying subsidies to any biomass company "found to be untruthful in its wood pellet production methods." They cited Mongabay's reporting on Enviva.
#ClimateChange #ClimatePolicy #News #Environment #Netherlands #Biomass #Energy #Forest #Deforestation
This is the most resonant writing I've read yet about this whole, idiotic dumpster fire: 'What more perfect use of this hellsite than to turn it over entirely to tweets about Twitter, tweets about tweeting, tweets about leaving Twitter, tweets about how Twitter runs, or should, or won’t, or how it will end, any day now … This is what we were after all along, the purest distillation of a service that devours itself in order to fuel its own furtherance.' https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2022/11/elon-musk-twitter-bad-habit/672249/
@TorbenSchubert Wow, that's quite a story that I hadn't seen until now (Go Mastodon for keeping me current!). Some coauthors and I were preparing a paper to submit to Scientometrics, and this is giving me pause...
@CliffordtheHutt @sepinwall
(although Atlanta is probably tied for me)
@CliffordtheHutt @sepinwall
2nd Andor. I binged the heck out of that show over Thanksgiving. A chilling dissection of a society sliding towards fascism. I've been pretty skeptical of jumping on the Star Wars train of shows- but this one stands out
Env & Resource Economist at NC State Univ. I work in the Genetic Engineering & Society (GES) Center- integrating science & pub values to shape future biotech. Proud father of a 5 year old obsessed with Wild Kratts