I'm a (middle aged, mid-career) software engineer working in a functional #programming language on the #JVM.
I'm in the US and caught in the middle of its culture war. I'm a #conservative, #evangelical #Christian who is too right to be left and too left to be right
I just want to live at peace with others.
I just want to engage authentically with other humans who share my interests, and maybe even have some meaningful conversations about topics on which we disagree.
I'm always open to boosts and replies, but I will mute or block anyone harassing, meanspirited, or belligerent.
Because I'm an individual my interests are varied and changing. I can say they are generally: #technology, #space, #freespeech, #science (but not #scientism), #christianity, #philosophy, free-market #capitalism, #decentralization (mostly autonomy; not necessarily #cryptocurrency)...
I'll stop there for now. Ultimately, you'll just have to spend time in my feed and get to know me, as I hope to do with you.
I hope we can be mutuals. 
I added an emoji