i took a hike this morning to try to close a small business agreement with someone re my customized electronic projects and happened to pass by the public elementary school and saw the status of the construction of the school's mini sports complex and quite delighted to see that the construction is nearing to its completion... i could only imagine that in the coming weeks i would be playing baseball in the school again to relive those elementary school years there when we were training in our team for various coming meets... those happy elementary athlete days and how we liked it to play under the rain!
correction! it's copra "hauler" truck
a friend notices that he sees only the football field aside from the oval field being renovated, then where is the children's baseball diamond field? there used to be a diamond field within that new football field... don't worry, it will be there just to be relocated within the school perimeter the standard size for children's baseball... for now the site is restricted, no visitors and onlookers allowed to get within the area while under construction