The Five Types of Operators You Don’t Want to Be
this made me remember my public elementary school baseball years when one time we had a rumble with the other team from the public school of neighboring town
This includes #Belle2's first measurement of R(D*), which slightly increases the tension of the SM with the #HFLAV average.
Such a comparison is a crucial test of Einstein's equivalence principle, which states that the trajectory of a particle is independent of its composition and internal structure when it is only subjected to gravitational forces.
an exercise i previously tackled that dealt with classical fields in curved spacetime (of a blackhole)
i remember one of my references on Hawking radiation, so very accessible to read for a beginning grad student
Prof. Polchinski's firewall is near or at event horizon supposedly
Such measurements of Yukawa couplings to light fermions are experimentally challenging at the LHC, given that the SM predicts the coupling strengths to be proportional to the fermion mass [11–13]. Consequently, couplings of the Higgs boson to the first-generation fermions have yet to be confirmed experimentally.
i wanted to re-emphasize this in the latest updated version of my draft
The final states coming out with opposite spatial momenta, can happen only in the rest frame (center- of-mass frame) of the Higgs boson, where the Higgs boson doesn’t have spatial components of the four-momentum, as it decays, while the final states come out with equal energies in opposite directions, leading to (19.9.3).
i think all Sarahs will take pride
It's meticulous scientists like Sarah who make sure the analysis is right!
a highly successful pioneering of new kind of very low frequency gravity wave background astronomy 15 years in the making
hmmm.... but still i have some doubts about it whether he did actually write these!
is this true? by the looks of it, i think KM had the wrong use of differentials/infinitesimals and might run short of viewing differential calculus in terms of rigorous definitions of limits and it won't be simple as that that is, it cannot be simply thinking a 0 over there and 0 under there and infer a contradiction! (if KM did ever use those lines of arguments against DC or trying to reformulate DC? pls don't accuse me of trying to defend KM by casting doubt whether he did actually write those arguments) we only have to note the initial experimental success of DC (of Newton and Leibniz) when Newton used it to find out that planets moved in elliptical orbits
it's tomorrow!!!
Collectively, this mix of signals combines to form a random or 'stochastic' buzz known as the gravitational wave background, and it's one of possibly the most highly-sought detections in gravitational wave astronomy.
These are gravitational waves with frequencies of order nanohertz, which corresponds to periods of months to decades.