I guess summer starts in September now.
#MCR #UK #manchester
Carved wood map of #Edinburgh New Town in #blender.
Used #qgis and OS OpenZoomStack (crown copyright and database rights) to get the building outlines.
Clipped to the Edinburgh City Council Natural Neighbourhood for New Town - https://data.edinburghcouncilmaps.info/datasets/9961be54aa5649aebfb5f2cde53fa432/explore
Texture is 'fine grained wood' from https://polyhaven.com/
Having a fancy dinner with @tomheyes
Me: My favourite thing about tonight is you.
Tom: *starts tearing up*
Me: Aaaaaawwwww babeeeee
Tom: No, I just ate a chilly
I have been married to @LidiaInfanteM for an entire year!
This photo was taken just after our ceremony by the excellent Lucy Little.
A surprising number of folks use [Zsh](https://www.zsh.org/) and [Oh My Zsh](https://ohmyz.sh/) without really knowing why or what it is. Probably because OSX uses zsh as the default shell now.
This is a real shame because Oh My Zsh has a lot of [great plugins](https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/wiki/Plugins) for common tasks, for example loads of useful [git aliases](https://kapeli.com/cheat_sheets/Oh-My-Zsh_Git.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/index) are available by default.
If you're using [Zsh](https://www.zsh.org/) its well worth a look at what you might be missing out on. :)
Say goodbye to lengthy release cycles! Trunk-based development enables small, frequent deployments, reducing the time to market and allowing your team to deliver value to users rapidly. #RapidRelease #ContinuousDelivery
Trunk-based development and continuous delivery go hand in hand like butter and jelly. The former enables the latter by ensuring a clean codebase, rapid iterations, and easy deployment. #TrunkBasedDevelopment #ContinuousDelivery
Software Developer at Kroo based in Manchester UK
Ex: #ThoughtWorks, #Wefarm
#Clojure #Emacs #Tech