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I have submitted my signature to this open letter in support of RMS and the @fsf. Not because I agree with everything RMS has said (I don't), but because I believe that censorship of reasonable and civil debate has no place in an organization that claims to be dedicated to "freedom." I know that if someone as influential as RMS can be pushed out, someone like me doesn't stand a chance. Censorship, "cancel culture," and the resulting chilling effect hurt those with the least institutional power and support the most. I'm glad they are standing up to this mob, and I hope that means "subversives" like me can feel welcome in the free software community once again.
"He has shown himself to be misogynist, ableist, and transphobic, among other serious accusations of impropriety. These sorts of beliefs have no place in the free software, digital rights, and tech communities."
I don't understand this ideological purity stuff. Why do his other opinions matter to his advocacy of free software?

Digital artwork embedded with NFTs are primarily viewed online. But high-tech frames could turn previously intangible artworks into something collectors and galleries can hang on their walls, making them more visible outside the internet bubble.

I'm surprised how well internet movie pirates do at including subtitles

The reloading setup in fallout new vegas is better than mine

I had forgotten how good the 1957 "Twelve Angry Men" is. I would love to see the play

It's not sounding like Texas will get constitutional carry this session

I follow professional chess exclusively for the memes

It's hard to tell a smith&wesson ad from a ford ad

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