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What fight had to go on inside Apple to get them to make the battery in their tracker tabs user replaceable.

The way Apple's "find my" network works is crazy

I think it's important for everyone and especially children to hear stories (movie, tv, etc) about protagonists who are good people and who do good things. I think that too often when writers try to write "relatable" characters they end up just writing protagonists who are terrible people and who do terrible things.

USPSA divisions should be Open Dots, Limited Dots, Open Irons, and Limited Irons and maybe some low cap stuff for dumb states

Requiring websites to disclose cookies is similar to california's law requiring labeling of products which may contain carcinogins in that they're both so broad that they've become less than worthless

"Huawei is proposing a fundamental internet redesign, which it calls “New IP,” designed to build “intrinsic security” into the web. Intrinsic security means that individuals must register to use the internet, and authorities can shut off an individual user’s internet access at any time. In short, Huawei is looking to integrate China’s “social credit,” surveillance, and censorship regimes into the internet’s architecture."

I can't wait for John Wick 4 and 5. The world building in these movies is great. I want to know more

I legitimately don't understand the politicians in blue states who are trying to make their covid measures stricter

My current $500 laptop is much better at playing KSP than my $1000 desktop was six years ago

Arts and crafts time. This cheap shell carrier was too loose so I sewed part of it closed to make it tighter. The bump is a sling point

A lot of gun companies have seriously improved their websites recently

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