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ICYMI: 12 ggplot2 extensions to help you up your data visualization game with simpler code. Plus some extra bonus ones at the end!
#rstats #dataviz #ggplot2 #InfoWorld @rstats
@rauscherMRI who do you follow for MRI news?
@belwerks yay someone I know! Hey Steve!
I am an early career researcher / assistant professor at UBC (beautiful Vancouver, Canada) in the Department of Pediatrics and a staff scientist at BC Children's Hospital. My lab focuses on quantitative MRI analyses to investigate neurodevelopment in newborns. #MRI #neuroscience #neonates #openscience #science #mrs #fmri #dti #mwi #qsm
Assistant Professor at UBC; MRI, Medical Imaging, Neuroscience; Books and Mountains