@R_P_one I see, thank you. Would it need additional shielding while operating? Something like water tanks to fill before start up for neutrons?
@werner58 well, these small reactors generally have thick neutron reflectors as their small size increases the importance of good neutron economy. My working assumption is the RR machine is similar to these ANL and LANL designs is many ways. Note the thick Al2O3 reflector and B4C shield. Gamma would be my main concern - note the "locally fabricated shielding"
@werner58 images from this presentation: https://www.nrc.gov/docs/ML1915/ML19150A609.pdf
@werner58 primarily by being small - reducing the shield perimeter to the tightest possible shape. If “air” means C-17 then that’s about 70 tonnes which gets you a lot of tungsten and lead (this probably has a very thick neutron reflector).