#originoflife #informationtheory #ComplexSystems #CollectiveBehavior #evolutionarydynamics #biogels #informationtheory #philosophy #philosophyofscience #philosophyofmaths
Occationally I run into a paper that links ideas together to form new associations and opens up new levels of inquirey. As a bonus it introduces an exciting technology which I may of heard about before but never realized the usefulness. My interests are running more and more into the general theme of complexity more specifically to the information structure of complexity. I have been influenced greatly by the work of Dr Sarah Imari Walker at ASU. What does this have to do with chairs? Stay tuned, I will end this thread with a written article.
St Clair, James J. H., Zackory T. Burns, Elaine M. Bettaney, Michael B. Morrissey, Brian Otis, Thomas B. Ryder, Robert C. Fleischer, Richard James, and Christian Rutz. “Experimental Resource Pulses Influence Social-Network Dynamics and the Potential for Information Flow in Tool-Using Crows.” Nature Communications 6, no. 1 (November 3, 2015): 1–8. https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms8197.