@thomasorus Love to hear that there exists a frontend dev who likes lowtech websites! What is your favorite web stack to work with or are you an html/css purist?
@wmarshall My favorite tech right now is static site generators, flat file CMS like Kirby and a good old css/js compiler (parceljs atm). Now that CSS is mature enough I don't use any CSS frameworks anymore. I try avoiding going to react/vue/angular when there's not enough proof of reusability or complexity. A whole lot of the web is just exposing basic text/audio/video, I try not overdoing it by chasing the last trend. RN I'm looking for a non vue/react static genrator to replace gatsby/gridsome
@wmarshall My favorite tech right now is static site generators, flat file CMS like Kirby and a good old css/js compiler (parceljs atm). Now that CSS is mature enough I don't use any CSS frameworks anymore. I try avoiding going to react/vue/angular when there's not enough proof of reusability or complexity. A whole lot of the web is just exposing basic text/audio/video, I try not overdoing it by chasing the last trend. RN I'm looking for a non vue/react static genrator to replace gatsby/gridsome