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@JohnGritt Ah, the age old problem. Not so easily solved Eh, never said it'd be possible that we'd be friends. And I'm not sure I'd want to debate you either. You always ignore my biting points and push your easily defensible ones.

@socialskeleton Dude, one of the players in my current campaign is a Monk/Druid (2 dip in moon druid) and it is a really fun enhancement to the monk class. 5e I'm a person totally capable of having a *rational* conversation about either fascism or climate change, but neither of us will ever test eachothers wit in either of those sectors because of the way you chose to interact with me.
And yes, I have been mostly scanning the federated timeline looking for posts that spark an interest of possible discussion in myself. I found your initial post attacking me in that way. Is that wrong for some reason? Listen, you don't have to keep going through my posts, you're just proving my point that you are an angry person that goes out of your way to find a reason to be angry. I understand that you're judgemental and angry because the world judges you, but try forgiveness and love instead of more anger and hate.
Anyway, I did not tell that gender-non-binary person that they have a mental illness, I said that that's what the general argument was. Read the context at least, if you're going to be snooping. Well I never will get the chance to know you because you attacked me before I ever spoke to you and you misunderstood my post. "I find it really strange that your picture references Judaism. More Americans would sympathize with this picture if it said Christianity. Also it outed you as a hatemongering Kike." "Jews deny the divinity of Jesus, and also are really excited about telling us white folk about the "VASTLY INFERIOR COLOREDS"" Want to address the part about how you're a very judgemental and angry person? I might remind you that the slur originates from the Jews hatred of Jesus, and, I was actually using it in that context I hardly think that calls for you to make a status attacking me. Did Jesus tell you to judge every person you interact with and publicly shame them if you deem them unworthy? The Abominable Grace hahahah I think it suits you Like I hadn't typed a thing to you and you already were calling me a "dipshit" is that how a goodchristian instance owner behaves? pay attention, the meme was about your pal that played the holier than thou card
Honestly though can we talk about why you made the initial status attacking me when the only thing I posted was about eyes piercing the soul? Just curious @silvershovel replace "let in more refugees" with "use the f*cking pronoun" and you've got yourself a direct quote

@BestGirlGrace "I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing" -- Socrates

@BestGirlGrace It was a question I thought might deserve an answer.

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