Together with FDA and @HochreiterSepp's IARAI we've been working on an #NLP-oriented challenge that is focused on tracking safety of the drug after clinical trials.
Submit before 16th may to join us at @CAMDA_conf 2022 in Wisconsin!
The second - that the model's github implementation _actually_ works out of the box! It should be a standard, but for some reason it rarely works for me
The first one is the dual #benchmark - comparing all models both default and tuned #hyperparameters.
Sure, it doesn't make much difference for production deployment of the model, but good defaults are very convenient during #EDA and early experiments
Popov et al.'s NODE might not be the newest #publication, but I love two things about it. 🧵
#GPT3 is cool, but if you're fine with a considerably cheaper bootleg version, then AI21's Jumbo is for you
Ahh, the bliss of finding a bug in the function that you've used to optimise hyperparams for the past week.
It's nearly as pleasant as stubbing your toe on a screwdriver's pointy end.
RT @CAMDA_conf
Join leading researchers at #CAMDA'22! Top keynotes on literature #AI by Zhiyong Lu of @NCBI, on #DataIntegration by @lschriml of @genomestandards and @diseaseontology. Submit late breaking methods or take the #CAMDAchallenge until 16 May! @iscb @IARAInews
It is what it is
RT @docmilanfar
“We achieve state of the art results on standard benchmarks”
RT @y0b1byte
Nothing is sacred to these people
Congrats @metasub! It's a huge accomplishment, I'm glad that I could help at least by collecting a few samples :)
So if anybody's still wondering about licking that handrail, read the publication and go wild.
RT @pawel_labaj
Congrats to whole @metasub! Results in @CellPressNews comes from our main project global City Sampling Day but we do more cool stuff In @…
RT @AdamCzerniak
Parafrazując powiedzenie mojego promotora:
"Ktoś inny by się pochwalił, a ja tylko podam dalej."
I oznaczę @hanna_cichy bez której byśmy tego srebra nie dostali.
AI guy. Tooting interesting publications and statistics that catch my eye