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Together with FDA and @HochreiterSepp's IARAI we've been working on an -oriented challenge that is focused on tracking safety of the drug after clinical trials.
Submit before 16th may to join us at @CAMDA_conf 2022 in Wisconsin!

The second - that the model's github implementation _actually_ works out of the box! It should be a standard, but for some reason it rarely works for me

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The first one is the dual - comparing all models both default and tuned .
Sure, it doesn't make much difference for production deployment of the model, but good defaults are very convenient during and early experiments

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Popov et al.'s NODE might not be the newest , but I love two things about it. 🧵

is cool, but if you're fine with a considerably cheaper bootleg version, then AI21's Jumbo is for you

CI/CD configuration is currently exceeding the capacity of my brain.

Looks like I need a better runner

RT @fchollet
I'm hearing disturbing rumors that a number of fabulously rich men are turning out to be very right-wing and are seeking to buy up media outlets in order to increase their political influence and shore up their views. This is unprecedented and no one could have predicted it.

Ahh, the bliss of finding a bug in the function that you've used to optimise hyperparams for the past week.
It's nearly as pleasant as stubbing your toe on a screwdriver's pointy end.

RT @AcademicsSay
if you’re worried about billionaires owning publically sourced content on social media wait until you hear about academic publishing

It turns out that my earphones monitor what I am doing while listening to music.

So yeah, I should probably go out for a run

RT @CAMDA_conf
Join leading researchers at '22! Top keynotes on literature by Zhiyong Lu of @NCBI, on by @lschriml of @genomestandards and @diseaseontology. Submit late breaking methods or take the until 16 May! @iscb @IARAInews

Mildly savage abstracts are one of my favourite types of abstracts

It is what it is
RT @docmilanfar
“We achieve state of the art results on standard benchmarks”

RT @Pooyahat
I love the idea of 4-day workweeks. Think about the amount of research that can be done on 3 day weekends.

Congrats @metasub! It's a huge accomplishment, I'm glad that I could help at least by collecting a few samples :)

So if anybody's still wondering about licking that handrail, read the publication and go wild.
RT @pawel_labaj
Congrats to whole @metasub! Results in @CellPressNews comes from our main project global City Sampling Day but we do more cool stuff In @…

RT @hanna_cichy
Na pytanie o ile zdrożeje koszyk wielkanocny nie umiem odpowiedzieć, ale jak wynotowałam w ramach przygotowania wzrost cen składników do ciasta to robi wrażenie. Pozostaje piec szarlotkę - nietradycyjnie, ale jabłka to jedyne, co idzie w dół

RT @AdamCzerniak
Parafrazując powiedzenie mojego promotora:
"Ktoś inny by się pochwalił, a ja tylko podam dalej."
I oznaczę @hanna_cichy bez której byśmy tego srebra nie dostali.

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