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Outpainting has come a long way, hasn't it?

I think that the publication about convolutional deep belief networks from @honglaklee, @RogerGrosse, @rajeshrang, and @AndrewYNg is the first article mentioning the problem of completing an image.

Or is there an earlier one?

"Larger, growing brands often were observed to continue to grow after advertising stopped, but almost all smaller, growing brands immediately began to decline." (not really coke's case, but still interesting)

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Wondering why Coca Cola is still running ads, even though everyone already knows what it is?

"The average observed change in brand sales was –16 percent after one year without advertising, dropping to –25 percent after two years, and reaching –36 percent after three years."

@MCB_UJ is looking for (ERC) who will complement our current research on: Host-Microorganism-Environment, Macromolecular Interactions and Cell-Signalling (Gene to Protein to Function to Translational Research continuum). Details:

Timing my blinks has never been my strong point.
Anyway, here's our poster about clusters of interactions within microbiome.
@valentyn_bez, @bioinfkowalski, @pawel_labaj, @TomaszLabMCB

Full version below 👇

I love 's outpainting feature. My friend sent me a drawing that she made, and I let the model go wild on it.

If you like her style, here's more:

Zaangażowanie ludzi w tym projekcie było inspirującym widokiem, cieszę się że mogłem wziąć w nim udział
RT @k_pyrc
Dla ciekawych co z wariantami SARS2 i naszym projektem z @AgencjaBadanMed.
Zaczęliśmy analizy wiosną '20, a w ramach projektu zrobiliśmy 110% normy. Nasze dane uzupełniały luki w światowych bazach i pozwalały monitorować co się dzieje.


I'm glad I had an opportunity to present our research into cosine-distance-preserving dimensionality reduction with @IARAInews for the folks at !

Wisconsin Capitol - seen
My first pastrami in Madison - eaten

Off to a good start

, here we come!

Drop by for our talks & posters.

"Debugging model mistakes" is a beautiful phrase, especially if it isn't followed by "is difficult".
Also, the formulation of conceptual bank is definitely something I will keep in mind
RT @james_y_zou
Want to know why screws up specific predictions?

Our new paper uses natural language to explain why a model makes each mistake. Key idea: counterfactual analysis of high-level concepts.

Understanding mistakes is criti…

RT @signalapp
Here is your friendly reminder that we built Signal for private, secure communication. It’s built so you can communicate individually and in groups, through text and calls, without fear of interference or data collection. Free to use and not for profit.

Contrary to popular opinion, we have a subway(-ish) in Cracow, thus validating our contributions to

@mason_lab @pawel_labaj @krakow_pl

Only 50% of gut microbiota is well understood.
Microbiota of Kraków trams is an even bigger mystery - for now.

Let the swabbing begin!
@mason_lab @pawel_labaj @krakow_pl @lovekrakow @JagiellonskiUni

Thanks to @MCB_UJ @pawel_labaj scientists and support from Municipality of Kraków @krakow_pl we will join tomorrow as every year action organized by @metasub.

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