
Got introspective while mowing the lawn today, and machines can be great but the #ai boom is so skewed. As a demo, I still love this 2016 paper by Ribeirio, Singh, and Guesterin.

If that doesn't work, I just get a decision tree out and have a large group time themselves in a robust session of 20 questions... it's the counting tasks we should be handing off to the machines, not the rest of it. #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #computing #academichonesty

"Why Should I Trust You?": Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifier

Despite widespread adoption, machine learning models…
Alejandra M. Pickett

@wissmobb Hi! the #OnlineLearning #OnlineTeaching #AcademicHonesty #AcademicIntegrity webinar went great! I love talking about this stuff!!

You can view the recording here: when it gets posted (it's not there yet).

In the mean time, here are the links to information and resources i shared.

Home - SUNY Online Teaching Webinar Series 2020 - 2022
Alejandra M. Pickett

I will be leading a #free & #open webinar on Strategies to Support Online #AcademicIntegrity - November 10, 2022. 12-1PM ET.
#Cheating is a #pedagogical issue, not a technological one. This session will provide strategies, tools, & resources to assist #OnlineFaculty & #IDs to better understand how to support online #AcademicHonesty and online faculty and learner success. #OnlineTeaching #OnlineLearning #InstructionalDesign

Registration (free) required:

Home - SUNY Online Teaching Webinar Series 2020 - 2022