Velocipede Rider

It's such a cheap watch (<$5) but I love the black and yellow combo.

#WristCheck #Skmei

Feb 08, 2025, 14:22 · · · 0 · 0
Dr. G. Power

I recently bought a whole bunch of #SKMEI watches. I left them all pretty standard, but this one, I made it even more #Casio like by giving it the stealth treatment and a cheap G-Shock bezel. #CasioCult

Dr. G. Power

6 days in. 6 days ago, all these watches were in sync with the Waveceptor (which sycs to an atomic clock).

The G-Shocks are running ahead pedal to the metal, two SKMEIs are in sync still and one is lagging behind. #casiocult #casio #SKMEI #horology

Dr. G. Power

I'm really enjoying this super affordable G-Shock inspired #SKMEI watch ⌚

Dr. G. Power

This little #SKMEI #wristwatch is a copy of a #Casio #F91W with a much enhanced light, and they come in many colours. The neat thing is that the module behaves identically to the Casio, but they are a fraction of the price! This was less than £4! The F91Ws used to be about £6 but prices have gone up and up and up, sometimes over £20.